
Gorilla Mind is a fitness supplements company that produces pre-workout, protein powder, and nootropic supplements.

Gorilla Mind primarily uses user-generated content to build its brand around content creates that promotes positive life improvement.

This a mock marketing campaign done as an interview project

My Role

Social Media Manager, Video Editor, Content Creation, Social Media Strategist, Brand Management, Community Marketing, Community Management, Copywriting, User-Generated Content Management, Sales, and Social media Analytic Analysis.


Gorilla Mind currently has a strong cast of athletes that produce content for their personal channels. I would be hired as a marketing specialist to help direct these athletes in making “user-generated content” that promoted the Gorilla Mind brand and aligned with our brand image. With the goal of increasing conversions to our website and ultimately the purchase of our products.

We also have a strong in-house content creation department that is in charge of making graphics for our current products and upcoming releases.

The Problem

Strategic Approach


  • Athletes highlight the quality difference between Gorlia Mind and competitors in User Generated Content to inform viewers why they should select our products.

  • Bring individual athletes together for collaboration videos to foster a greater sense of community with Gorilla Mind.

  • Videos for beginners on how the products work and why Gorilla Minds are better. Explained in a way that newcomers to the gym can understand to make their decision.


  • Recent trends have had gym content be dark and gritty. We can be positioned as a positive symbol in the community to differentiate ourself

  • The owner Derek is a content creator himself and is viewed as an authority in the fitness community on the science of fitness supplements. His personal brand is removed from Gorilla Mind potentially to availed conflict of interest claims. With a proven track record of unbiased reviews, I believe it would be safe to alright their two brands more costly to promote the imperial dominance gorilla mind has over the market.

It is hard to stand apart as a fitness supplement company, it is a heavily saturated market with several strong competitors already cemented in a niece.

Gorilla Mind already possessed high-quality products and is a well-known name in the community as a quality company. Still, they need to elevate themselves in a certain direction.

From my experiance, I suggested the following

  • Gorilla Mind needs to develop a strong company brand. Currently, their brand is developed by fitness content creators who they then bring under the Gorilla Mind umbrella. Developing a strong company brand first will set the brand apart and help position them moving forward.

  • Gorilla Mind needs to create a community involving Gorilla Mind and the athletes not just have their athletes use their products.

  • Gorilla Mind has a high-quality product and should leverage that in social media to position them selves as the best you can find on the market and why.